Wednesday, January 23, 2008


This is the way Abendego acts when he is told to go to bed. He doubles up his fists and says "I won't!"
Abendego and Haychu and Zeemsneaze were all out in the garden playing horse. Abednego's sister Ethel called to them to come into the house, for it was five o' clock. They all three ran in as fast as they could, for they thought perhaps she had some candy for them.
Zeemsneaze put his cap on the hall table, and his drums on the floor. They found that Mr. Jack, the young man who came so often to see Ethel, was in thedrawing room with her, and Henry, the butler, was just bringing in some tea and cakes for them. Abednego raised his hat very politely, and gave Ethel a pink he had picked in the garden.
But when she told him it was time for him to go to bed, he threw his hat on the floor, and stamped his foot, and said, "I won't!" But Haychu obeyed promptly and you can see she is half-way upstairs already, calling to Zeemsneaze. Abendego would not stir, so Mr. Jack had to carry him upstairs saying,
"Some one told me that there were Goops in this house:
Are you a Goop?"


Abednego would Raise his Hat,

And Bow, and Smile, and things like that;

His Face and Hair were always Neat,

And when he Played he did not Cheat-

But Oh, the awful things he Said,

When it was Time to Go to Bed !

( This Goop is called ABEDNEGO because to bed he would not go.)


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

This blog is cute -
I'm going to read it to the kids tomorrow. But why does Frodo have a halo?

Lisa said...

Oh, Frodo has a halo from the post a couple weeks back talking about St. Frodobert, on whose feastday we got our mouse, Frodo. We were saying how Frodo is a nice fellow, but not a saint, really. We were tickled to see that St. Frodobert may have been where Tolkien got the name "Frodo" from, though...